Banned From Equestria Daily 1.5 Game Download

'welp, this is the last time i'll be saying sorry for taking so long to finish this game lol. Added tons of stuff, it's f. Banned from Equestria (Daily) 1.5 Walkthrough Guide Game by pokehidden Walkthrough Guide by arcanine You can find links to the game here. I decided to make a comprehensive walkthrough and guide of Pokehidden's amazing game. (Obviously) Main 6: Applejack: During the daytime, go to Twilight’s house and agree to come inside when. C++ Programming software, free download For Mac Free Download For Mac Mail Spam Filter Protection Fb Messenger App Download For Mac Feeding Frenzy 2 Download For Mac Full Version Of Minecraft Free Download For Mac Andalus Font Download For Mac Banned From Equestria 1.5 Game Download For Mac. Subwoofer Bass Test Download Zippy Banned From Equestria Daily 1.5 Game Download Asme Y14.5 Drawing Standards Pdf Download Dvd Queen Live At Wembley Stadium 1986 Share This Day Josh Kelley Mp3 Download 1 2 All Email Nulled Themes Gandi Baat Full Video Song Free Download Mp4.

So, over the weekend I played Banned from Equestria and I am pretty sure I am going to hell for it. This is a lewd game that is set in the universe of My Little Pony and I found myself laughing my ass off at some of the stuff that these ponies would say and then being kind of grossed out over what these ponies were getting up to. Still, it is such a weird and interesting game that you have to at the very least check this out to see what it is all about.

Is This A Dream Or A Nightmare?

The story of the game is freaking nuts and as I type this, I know that most of you guys reading this will probably have your jaw on the floor while you do. So, the main character (the person we play as) is visited one night by a Pony called Trixie and he is transported to the land of the My Little Ponies.

You may be thinking that this sounds cute, but the ultimate goal of Banned from Equestria is that you are trying to have sex with as many of the ponies as you possibly can. It goes without saying that if My Little Pony holds a special place in your heart, this game very well could ruin that for you.

Pony By Paint

Banned From Equestria Daily 1.5 Game Download

The art style that was chosen for this is kind of nuts. The whole of Banned from Equestria looks like it was made with Microsoft Paint and I kind of mean that in a positive way. It has such a rough and fast look to the whole thing, but it also has a sense of style that makes it very different from many other games.

The animation is pretty good, but what I feel is going to be a deal-breaker for you guys is the lewd content. I am probably the least shockable guy around, but this game shocked me. If you ever wanted to see what a My Little Pony has going on downstairs this is the game for you. The sex scenes in this game do not hold back and I found myself saying what the hell over and over again.

Didn’t I Play This At School?

The art style along with the gameplay of Banned from Equestria makes it seem like the kind of games that we would play at school when we would get “computer time”. This is best described as a point and click style of game. You have various things that you can click on to interact with characters, the scenery, items, and so on. Some screens will also have arrows that will let you go to a new area.

Banned From Equestria Daily 1.5 Game Download Pc

As is the case with any game of this style, figuring out what you need to do is what it is all about. The gameplay is fairly strong I guess, but it all boils down to if you can get over the subject matter or not.

I know that Banned from Equestria is the kind of game that is quite shocking, but I would liken it to a car wreck where you simply cannot turn away, and even if you are kind of disgusted by seeing My Little Pony characters bang, you cannot stop playing. I am sure if you are a Brony or have an interest in the series, you may get more of a kick out of it as you know the characters. Of course, on the flip side of this, it could be what turns you off from it all.


Banned From Equestria Daily 1.5 Game Download Full

  • The game as a unique art style
  • It does not hold back that is for sure
  • Plenty of things for you to do
  • I guess the game is pretty well made
  • It answers the question of how do MLP characters get it on


  • The art style may be a turn off for some
  • Do we really need to see MLP characters having graphic sex?
Overall rating: 8

Banned From Equestria Daily 1.5 Game Download For Pc

Banned from Equestria (Daily) 1.5 Walkthrough & Guide

Banned From Equestria Daily 1.5 Game Downloaddaily 1 5 Game Download

5 years ago

Banned From Equestria Daily 1.5 Game Download Free

Banned from Equestria (Daily) 1.5 Walkthrough Guide
Game by pokehidden
Walkthrough Guide by arcanine
You can find links to the game here.
I decided to make a comprehensive walkthrough and guide of Pokehidden's amazing game. Spoilers ahead! (Obviously)
Main 6:
Applejack: During the daytime, go to Twilight’s house and agree to come inside when she asks. When she’s done talking, click on the book to her right to learn Magic Attack A. Go to Trixie and get a horn, then walk down the path towards Sweet Apple Acres and click on the giant rock that’s blocking your path to destroy it. Continue down the winding road until you see AJ resting on a tree. Click on her and she’ll tell you to buck some apples. Click as many times as you can to increase power for bucking. Earth Ponies get 2 power per click, while Unicorns and Pegasi get 1. Once you’ve bucked apples a few times, she’ll invite you to the barn. Click yes to start the sex scene.
Fluttershy: During the night, go to Fluttershy’s house and click on the window. She’ll notice you and leap up to the ceiling in fright. Click on the very top of the screen to get her to come down. Answer her questions “Why?”, “Cheer Up”, “Let’s Fuck”, and “Want It?” to start the sex scene.
Pinkie Pie: During the day, click on the ball that’s located one screen to the right of Trixie to obtain it. Go inside Sugar Cube Corner and talk to Mrs. Cake. She will wrap the ball for you. Then go upstairs and click on the empty room to place the present there. The following day, go back to the second floor of Sugar Cube Corner to start the sex scene.
Rainbow Dash: During the day, get wings from Trixie and click on the arrow at the top of the screen above her. Click on Rainbow Dash snoozing in the clouds and challenge her to a race. Agree to the terms of the winner being the loser’s slave to start the minigame. Click the screen to move up and down and avoid the clouds. Reach the end without losing all your lives (it doesn’t matter which dialogue options you choose) to start the sex scene.
Rarity: During the day, get a horn from Trixie. Go inside the Carousel Boutique and ask Rarity for “Sex! Now!” She will kick you out. Immediately go back in and ask “Need Help?” Click on the chalkboard in Rarity’s room to learn Magic Attack B. Then click on the fabric to cut it. Return to Rarity and click on her. She will kick you out again. Now follow the steps to get the Twilight Sparkle sex scene (see below). During the day, get a horn from Trixie. Go to the Carousel Boutique and click on the small box to the right of the door to find Spike. Answer “Let’s Try” to his prompt, then click on the circular window above the boutique. This will open the window. Get wings from Trixie and return to the Carousel Boutique as soon as it’s night. Click on the window above the boutique to start the sex scene.
Twilight Sparkle: During the day, get wings from Trixie. Go to Twilight’s house and agree to come inside. After she’s done talking, exit Twilight’s house and click the top window of her home to find Spike. Agree to help him, then play the applebucking minigame (see Applejack section) until you have 50 bits. Walk to the train station and buy a ticket from the vendor. Make sure you still have wings, go back to Spike at the top of Twilight’s house, and give him the ticket. Come back as soon as it’s night, making sure you still have wings, and find Spike on the top of Twilight’s house. He will let you in and the sex scene begins.
Aloe & Lotus: Earn 100 or 300 bits via the applebucking minigame (see Applejack section) and go to the spa during the daytime. Click the list of services on the column and select either The Angel Kiss or Eternal Peace to get a sex scene. This does not count as sex with a pony and does not advance time.
Berry Punch & Lyra: During the 3rd night, click on Berry Punch’s house (the one with grapevines on it) without having placed the wine bottle in front of it. This does not count as sex with a pony and does not advance time.
Big Macintosh: Get to Sweet Apple Acres after destroying the rock (see Applejack section) and click on Big Macintosh. Select “Fuck Me!” He will say “Nope.” When the next prompt comes up, right click anywhere on the screen to bring up the Flash menu. Select “Play” and after a 5-second splash screen calling you a cheater, you’re rewarded with the sex scene. To get out of the scene, right click to bring up the Flash menu and select “Play” again. This does not count as sex with a pony and does not advance time.
Celestia: During the day, get wings from Trixie and fly to Canterlot Castle, which is located one scene to the right of Trixie. Then take the left path and walk past the sleeping guard. You can try to sneak through the castle, but eventually you will be caught and the sex scene begins.
Chrysalis: WARNING: You will die and the game ends immediately after having sex with Chrysalis. Navigate through the Everfree Forest (located on the way to Fluttershy’s cottage) until you get to Zecora’s hut. As soon as you enter, the sex scene begins.
Derpy: Click on the big blue mailbox in front of Sugar Cube Corner. When it zooms in, click on the box a couple more times until you hear knocking. Click it again and select “Yes” when it asks if you want to kick the pony out to start the sex scene.
DJ Pon3: Click on the very center of the record on the door of DJ Pon3’s house. A key will fall out and you can enter. Click on DJ Pon3 to start the sex scene.
Luna: On the third night, after getting wings from Trixie and having sex with 5 ponies already, fly up to Canterlot Castle (one scene to the right of Trixie) and take the right path. Click on the glowing circles on the ground and Luna will appear, challenging you to a duel minigame. Accept her offer. To win the duel, repeatedly click on yourself to block Luna’s attacks with your shield. Immediately after you block an attack, but before Luna brings up more projectiles, click on Luna once to deal damage to her. Repeat this process until her shield breaks, then keep repeating until her life bar is empty. Then the sex scene begins.
Spike: Follow all the steps to get the Rarity sex scene (see above). At night, head to the train station. You will barely see the top of Spike’s head at the end of the platform. Click on it to talk to him. Answer “Fuck No” when he asks if you want the ticket back and the sex scene begins.
Trixie #1: During the day, go into Twilight’s house and accept her invitation to come in. After she’s done talking, click on the book to her right to learn Magic Attack A. Then click on the book again to learn Shield Breaker A. Get a horn from Trixie. During the night, click on the sleeping Trixie and her shield will break. Then the sex scene begins. NOTE: The finale of this sex scene is different if you also have Shield Breaker B (gotten by buying a muffin from Mrs. Cake at Sugar Cube Corner during the daytime, then going into your inventory and eating it).
Trixie #2: Complete the steps to have sex with Trixie the first time (see above). During the day, get at least 5 bits by playing the applebucking game (see Applejack section). Then go to Sugar Cube Corner and buy a muffin from Mrs. Cake. Go into your inventory and click on the muffin to eat it, learning Shield Breaker B. Get a horn from Trixie and return to her at night. Click on her to break the shield and the sex scene begins.
Zecora: Go to Fluttershy’s cottage and click on the lower left part of the stream to drink water from it. Head into the Everfree Forest and navigate your way to Zecora’s hut. The fake Zecora will drink the potion herself and freeze. Click on the cabinet on the right side of the screen to find the real Zecora and the sex scene begins.
More Bullshit Mode:
Remixing Time (DJ Pon3 & Octavia): Follow the steps to have sex with DJ Pon3 (see above). Return to her house and click on the window to unlock the scene.
The Treehouse Adventures (Cutie Mark Crusaders): During the daytime, go to Sweet Apple Acres either by destroying (see Applejack section) or by flying over the giant rock. Go all the way to the end of the path until you get to the clubhouse. Click on the door to eavesdrop, then click on the door again after it says “better leave them alone” to unlock the scene.
All You Need is Rape (Lyra & Bon-Bon): During the day, go to the train station and click on the wine bottle to the left of the ticket vendor to obtain it. Then go to Berry Punch’s house (the one with grapevines on it) and click on it. Say “Yes” when it asks if you want to place the wine bottle next to her door and the scene is unlocked.
So Many Wonders (Fluttershy & Trixie): During the night, go to Fluttershy’s house and click on the window. She’ll notice you and leap up to the ceiling in fright. Click on the very top of the screen to get her to come down. Answer her questions “Why?”, “Cheer Up”, and “Forget Her”. You will get a kiss and she’ll send you outside. Click on her window multiple times and the scene will eventually be unlocked.
Good Bye Equestria (Pinkie Pie): Follow the steps to have sex with Pinkie Pie (see above). During the daytime, go back to the second floor of Sugar Cube Corner and click on the empty box to unlock the scene.
Twilight’s Experiment (All of Main 6): During the day, go into Twilight’s house and accept her invitation to come in. After she’s done talking, click on the book to her right to learn Magic Attack A. Then click on the book again to learn Shield Breaker A. Get a horn from Trixie. During the night, click on the sleeping Trixie and her shield will break. Before activating the sex scene, click on the book between Trixie’s front hooves to take it from her. During the daytime, go back to Twilight’s house and return the book to her by clicking on her. She will experiment on you for a bit and the scene is unlocked. Note: You can also take the book from Trixie after the second time you break her shield (see Trixie #2 section).
Bad End #1: Get killed by Chrysalis (see Chrysalis section)
Bad End #2: Have sex 0 times. You end up fapping alone and Trixie calls you pathetic.
OK End: Have sex 1-2 times. Trixie comments that you probably got half of Ponyville pregnant.
Good End: Have sex 3-5 times. You get a quick kiss from Trixie and she calls you cute.
Best End: Have sex 6 times. You get a long kiss from Trixie and she says you’re looking satisfied.
Spike/Rarity End: Have sex with Spike (follow steps above) and you get a tender scene between Spike and Rarity just before the ending scene starts.
Main 6 End: Have sex with all of the Main 6 during your playthrough and they all show up to wave goodbye to you as you leave.
I think that’s everything! Let me know if there’s something you feel I should add or if anything needs to be clarified. Have fun!